Important Tips to Deal with Asthma Allergy

Asthma allergy is the most prominent form of allergy today. Also, it can be inherited which means one can get it at a young age. The diagnosis process of asthma allergy is quite simple but for this, you have to visit a reputed allergy and asthma center . They have a team of asthma specialists who with the help of testing immediately determine if you do have asthma or just some of other kind of allergy. Symptoms of Asthma Allergy Fever Headache Chronic coughing Difficulty in breathing Scratchy or sore throat Rapid breathing or wheezing Itchy, watery eyes Continuous sneezing Chest pain or tightness Runny nose Restlessness Some of the above symptoms are also found in conditions like sinusitis, influenza and pulmonary disease, so make sure you see an Asthma Allergy Doctor for a more precise diagnosis. Because what you thought as an asthma allergy may turn out to be something else. An asthma allergy reaction can vary from mild to moderate and can be identified with ...

What is Adult Onset Asthma?

Asthma is a disease of augmented receptiveness of the airways to various stimuli. Contraction of muscles around the airway and inflammation result in swelling of the lining and enhanced secretion of mucous. This causes difficulty in breathing and coughing. The most common causes of an asthma flare up are infection, exercise. Also, allergens and air pollution.

Many people develop asthma during childhood but asthma symptoms can occur at any time in life. People can develop asthma at age 50, 60, or even later. Adults who develop asthma are said to have adult onset asthma.

Adult Onset Asthma

How Does Adult Onset Asthma Differ From Childhood Asthma?

Adults with newly diagnosed asthma generally have persistent symptoms unlike children who often experience intermittent asthma symptoms in response to allergy triggers or respiratory infections.

What Causes Adults to Develop Asthma?

Obesity appears to significantly increase the risk of developing asthma as an adult. Most of the cases are triggered by allergies.

Exposure to allergens or irritants such as cigarette smoke, chemicals. Also, mold, dust or other substances commonly found in the environment. Prolonged exposure to certain workplace materials may also be one of the reasons.

Older women are more likely to develop asthma. Hormonal imbalances in women may play a role in adult onset asthma. Some women develop symptoms during or after a pregnancy. Women going through menopause too can develop symptoms.

Can Asthma Reappear In Adults?

Researchers have tracked a tendency for reappearing asthma. Irrespective of whether your asthma is active, you should continue to avoid your known triggers.

How This Disease Can Be Controlled?

  • You can learn about asthma and stay up-to-date on new developments.
  • You must take prescribed medications. Don’t make any changes until you check with your physician.


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