
Showing posts from April, 2018

Important Tips to Deal with Asthma Allergy

Asthma allergy is the most prominent form of allergy today. Also, it can be inherited which means one can get it at a young age. The diagnosis process of asthma allergy is quite simple but for this, you have to visit a reputed allergy and asthma center . They have a team of asthma specialists who with the help of testing immediately determine if you do have asthma or just some of other kind of allergy. Symptoms of Asthma Allergy Fever Headache Chronic coughing Difficulty in breathing Scratchy or sore throat Rapid breathing or wheezing Itchy, watery eyes Continuous sneezing Chest pain or tightness Runny nose Restlessness Some of the above symptoms are also found in conditions like sinusitis, influenza and pulmonary disease, so make sure you see an Asthma Allergy Doctor for a more precise diagnosis. Because what you thought as an asthma allergy may turn out to be something else. An asthma allergy reaction can vary from mild to moderate and can be identified with ...

Food Allergy Testing

Children are the most often test subjects for the allergy testing. No one wishes to put their child through the pain that comes from the test. However, there is always a need for a test if there is a problem. Getting to the root of the problem is always important when it is your child. Food allergies testing such as Child Food Allergy Testing are done through a skin or blood test .  Blood tests for food allergies can examine for IgE antibodies and can help to determine whether it is a food allergy or intolerance. These tests are often used after a scratch test has been performed and the field has been narrowed to only a few foods. Another test that is used is the elimination diet. Similar to the Oral Food challenge, the elimination diet is supervised by a medical supervisor in allergy relief clinics and is done through eliminating all the foods which you are not allergic to. There are many tests you can take but none is as accurate as the elimination diet or the ora...

Different Types of Asthma and Treatments

Asthma is a common disease these days. A vast number of people are affected by Asthma. There are Three Main Types of Asthma as Discussed Here - The first type of asthma is allergic asthma. It is caused by airborne and seasonal allergens. Some of these Allergens include pollen, mold, dust mites. Once you are exposed to an allergen, it acts as a trigger for an asthma attack, causing coughing, and shortness of breath. By avoiding the allergen, the asthma can be controlled. The secondtype of asthma is idiopathic or non-allergic asthma. This is not related to any specific allergen or substance. Common triggers for non-allergic asthma include the common cold, a respiratory tract infection, exercise, environmental pollution etc. Over time, asthma attacks can become more frequent and severe if left untreated. The third main type of asthma is mixed asthma. One could have a combination of both allergic and non-allergic asthma . This is the most commonly diagnosed. Different ...

The Dos and Don’ts of Asthma Allergy

Allergic asthma is one of them most common types of allergies today and it can affect anyone from adults to kids. This type of allergy can be caused due to a number of things ranging from exposure to pollution to smoking. Trouble in breathing, sneezing, coughing, heavy chest and wheezing are all different symptoms of an asthma allergy and if you have any of these then it is suggested to visit a competent allergist at the earliest. There are also certain dos and don’ts that you need to remember if you suffer from such allergies. These include- Do- Be sure to stay away from dust, pollution, smoke and other such triggers. Keep windows closed at night to prevent dust or pollen from entering. If possible install air filters. Keep your home clean and changes your bed sheets and pillow covers regularly. While traveling avoid dusty areas and keep your car windows closed especially on windy days. Avoid going out too much during peak pollen season. Keep your pump with you a...

Can Asthma Allergy Be A Hereditary Disorder?

Asthma allergy is a respiratory illness that affects young children and young adults. It continues to remain a problem even in their later years. It affects the lungs and is categorized by wheezing, breathing trouble, coughing, and mucus being produced. The symptoms might vary from a mild discomfort to a point where the patient might even die. This is totally dependent on the number of allergens.There are various factors that cause asthma and most of these factors are similar to that of a person affected by any of the normal allergies. The allergy can also be triggered in any person because of hereditary. If a family member has suffered from this, there is a greater chance of somebody else belonging to the same family developing it. So it can be referred to as a hereditary disorder. Causes and Treatment for Asthma Allergy:- Asthma can affect all the people regardless of their age, race, sex .Though there is a greater chance of the allergy being triggered in those peop...